Same day shipping on most orders. We ship from Duluth, Minnesota in the USA.
Domestic orders will be shipped FedEx ground with table rate shipping. See the table below. FedEx will email you the tracking information for your order by the end of the day when the order ships. For orders over $1500 we will contact you with shipping rates and options. Rather that use table rate on larger orders, we will give you the option of condensing your order into smaller boxes to save on shipping.
International, Alaska and Hawaii will be shipped FedEx or US Mail. You will be contacted via email with rates and options. Once we receive a reply to the shipping options email, we will send you a link to pay the shipping and complete your purchase. You can cancel the order if you do not want to pay the shipping amount. Once we cancel the order the original credit card authorization of your card will come off within a couple of days. FedEx or the US Mail will email you the tracking information for your order. Any applicable taxes, duties and fees charged by the destination country are due upon pick-up or delivery and are the responsibility of the recipient.
We reserve the right to cancel any order or delivery.
Expedited shipping is available. Please email, call or text us at 218.393.1837 for information on expedited delivery.
Table Rate Shipping for Domestic Orders:
0-$50 = $10
$50.01-150= $12
$150.01-250 = $15
$250.01-350 = $20
$350.01-450 = $25
$450.01-550 = $30
$550.01-700 = $35
$700.01-1000 = $40
$1000.01-1250 = $50
$1250.01-1500 = $60
WE RECYCLE! cares deeply about the environment and reducing waste. We recycle! We recycle boxes and packaging and if possible we will ship a product in the box that the product came in. A few good examples would be that we will ship a pair of shoes in the shoe box. Or, when a customer orders a broom and a pair of shoes, we will take the shoes out of the box and ship in a longer box that will fit the broom and shoes. Or, if you put together a group order with multiple items, will condense your order to ship it in a smaller box to save your group on shipping. We understand that you may want a clean box if it is a gift. You can request that we ship the order in a new box if you would like. All you have to do is make a note in the instruction/comment box at check out or email or text us. If not requested, we will ship in the best way possible to reduce waste and shipping costs.